New: Sports Advertising Report 2024

Discover how marketing executives at 100 leading brands
plan to reach sports fans in an epic year of sport.

Sports Advertising Report 2024
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Exclusive insights from marketing leaders

How and where are brands spending their budgets in 2024? What are the biggest challenges facing sports marketers today?

We interviewed executives at 100 brands to reveal the winning strategies and innovative tactics that will define sports marketing success in 2024.

Inside the report:


Targeting the right sports audience

For 53% of brands, audience targeting is the biggest challenge right now. Discover best ways to target fans.


The need for first-party data

42% of brands say building owned sports audiences is a priority – but where do you even begin?


How to run an omnichannel strategy

With awareness a key objective for 82% of brands, learn how to target fans across every digital channel.


2024: A sporting year like no other

49% of marketers say their budgets increased in 2024. Discover what channels and sports they are investing in.

Genius Sports – Official Sports Data, Technology and Feeds


Reaching sports fans in the post-cookie world

Learn how to activate first-party data in order to drive engagement, loyalty and revenue, by unlocking the full power of fan identity..

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