Scoreboard Data Solutions

Connect accurate, real-time data direct from any scoreboard to your applications with our suite of scoreboard solutions powered by Sportzcast.

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What we offer

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Portable and Wi-Fi compatible, ScoreLink+ takes data from any scoreboard to power outputs like TV & Scoreboard graphics, in-venue displays and website widgets.

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Automate your live game clock with a robust, proven solution that captures and distributes your official scoreboard data, synced in real-time and conveniently 24/7.

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Visualise your live scoreboard data with custom graphic overlays to suit your productions. Travel between venues with ease as ScoreApp gives you backup options for delivering data.




Scoreboard types




Unique data fields




Venues connected

ScoreLink+ overview

With built-in Wi-Fi and an LED status display panel, ScoreLink+ is the perfect solution for on-the-go productions. It connects to any scoreboard type and has cloud or local network connectivity – making your data instantly available any way you need it. ScoreLink+ has numerous built-in connection options, including the ability to switch between 200+ scoreboard types on the fly.

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ScoreLink overview

ScoreLink is the standard for receiving real-time scoreboard data. Pre-programmed to your specific scoreboard type and automatically connected to the cloud – data is synced in real-time, 24/7. ScoreLink is used in over 11,000 venues worldwide and integrated with NCAA LiveStats for Football, Basketball & Ice Hockey.

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SportzSuite overview

Create custom graphic overlays featuring real-time scoreboard data with ScoreDesigner, part of SportzSuite. Simple yet powerful features streamline the graphic or broadcast design process, making it quicker and easier to create graphic overlays.

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ScoreApp overview

When a traditional scoreboard or connection is unavailable, ScoreApp turn any web-connected device into a manual scorebot. Perfect for travelling on the road to venues without scoreboard connectivity, ScoreApp sends manual game data to the cloud to be recorded as official scoreboard data.

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